Fundamentos teóricos y estrategias para la producción de textos en el aula desde la perspectiva motivacional, lingüística y cognitiva

Theoretical Foundations and Strategies for the Production of Texts in the Classroom from the Motivational, Linguistic and Cognitive Perspective

Keywords: Theories and linguistic models; Text production, strategies.


This article constitutes the analysis of various theories and linguistic models, under the guidance of action research, with the purpose of determining the elements that will contribute to generating strategies for the production of texts in the classroom from the motivational, linguistic and cognitive perspective. This research was developed with students from the University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Philosophy, Chair Fundamentals of Research Epistemology. The theoretical foundations of Karmiloff-Smith, Hayes, Vílchez and Villasmil were considered in the development of the research, taking from them their contributions on the relationship between writing and cognition, the importance of emotional states, the writing process and the structure of the semantics. The results in the classroom were the expression of creativity through the construction of narrative texts in which the students were able to express in writing what they want to say, thereby demonstrating the acquisition of knowledge in an organized and appropriate way.


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How to Cite
Esteves Fajardo, Z. I., Garcés Suarez, E. F., & Chenet Zuta, M. E. (2021). Fundamentos teóricos y estrategias para la producción de textos en el aula desde la perspectiva motivacional, lingüística y cognitiva: Theoretical Foundations and Strategies for the Production of Texts in the Classroom from the Motivational, Linguistic and Cognitive Perspective. Revista De Filosofía, 38(98), 326-339.
Monográfico. Educación, formación universitaria y desafíos de la globalización