Paulo Freire: Anotaciones decoloniales

Paulo Freire: Decolonial Annotations

Keywords: Paulo Freire; Educational Ontology; Decolonial Pedagogy; Social Ontology; Coloniality-Decoloniality.


The article aims to contrast the Freirian educational ontology with the current guidelines of decolonial pedagogy. To achieve this purpose, this papers considers three fundamental aspects: the first, raises the core elements of Paulo Freire's liberating education, which include the break with the banking conception of education, the humanizing process of pedagogy and the decoding of the world through words. Next, the critical postulates that, from the decolonial pedagogy, are made to the work of Freire are pointed out. Finally, the need to orient knowledge towards an epistemic reconfiguration of another, free of modern Eurocentric patterns, is postulated.


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Author Biography

Yuly Inés Liñán Cuello, Universidad de la Guajira - Colombia

Docente de ocasional tiempo completo de la Universidad de La Guajira, Facultad Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.

Docente investigador vinculado al grupo de investigación creciendo con categoría INVESTIGADOR JUNIOR (IJ).

Conciencias Trabajadora social Esp. En educación con énfasis en pedagogía Magister en Gerencia de recursos humanos.

Estudiante de doctorado en Educación superior Par académico Nacional Ministerio de Educación Colombia.


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How to Cite
Pérez Rodelo, L. P., Rueda Toncel, L. Ángel, & Liñán Cuello, Y. I. (2020). Paulo Freire: Anotaciones decoloniales: Paulo Freire: Decolonial Annotations. Revista De Filosofía, 37(96), 67-81.