Enfoques metodológicos de evaluación de seguridad alimentaria en México

Methodological Approaches to Food Security Assessment in Mexico


The relevance of measuring food security in Mexico is described. Its complexity is approached from the dimensions (availability, access, use and stability), methodologies and methods. A meta-analysis was carried out using three important data repositories: Science Direct, Scopus and Google Scholar, for the period 2000-2021 with emphasis on the country. In addition, a bibliometric analysis and network visualization of the co-occurrence relationships between keywords used in 55 scientific articles were included. The results show an increase in the study of food safety since 2009 and to date. It highlights the use of the four dimensions proposed by FAO for the study of food security in different ways. However, it is also common to study it from a single or dimensionless approach. The most prominent methodologies focus on the use of indicators, indices and surveys such as Ensanut. Also different statistical analyzes such as the principal components method and various mixed lines or linear models. It has been common to find studies that do not follow any specific method, however, some of them are based on the definitions proposed by FAO or measurement scales such as the Mexican Scale of Food Security or the Latin American and Caribbean Scale of Food Security. Although Mexican food security has been studied in different ways, there are still gaps to be resolved, it being evident that it is necessary to continue with the measurement incorporating more complete analyzes and at smaller scales.


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Author Biographies

Yadihra Cruz-Sánchez, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo - México

Departamento de Fitotécnia. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, México.

Julio Baca del Moral, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo - México

Profesor Investigador (Dirección de Centros Regionales Universitarios), Universidad Autónoma Chapingo: Texcoco, Mexico, MX.

Adán Guillermo Ramírez García, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo - México

Catedrático del Centro Regional Universitario del Noroeste, Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, México.

Alejandro I. Monterroso-Rivas, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo - México

Profesor - Investigador (Departamento de Suelos), Universidad Autonoma Chapingo: Chapingo, Texcoco, Estado de Mexico.


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How to Cite
Cruz-Sánchez, Y., Baca del Moral, J., Ramírez García, A. G., & Monterroso-Rivas, A. I. (2022). Enfoques metodológicos de evaluación de seguridad alimentaria en México: Methodological Approaches to Food Security Assessment in Mexico. Revista De Filosofía, 39(100), 530 - 551. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6028687
III. Bioética y Crisis Epistémica en Contextos de Pandemia