Prospectiva de la Democracia. Los Nuevos Desafíos Materiales de la Democracia en el Siglo XXI. Lo que Viene
This paper will address the new material challenges that democracy must address in the 21st century and that go far beyond the simple procedural formal rule defined by Bobbio and that had nothing to do with the substantive contents that are dealt with in the framework of a society or political community, especially complex like those of today. This situation maintains two causes that generate it and sequence it. On the one hand, the very stormy scenario with which the capitalist production model and its crises have generated in the population and, on the other hand, the reaction of the population who has felt orphaned of democracy, delivered naked to the market, and whose The feeling of reaction and annoyance has been reflected in various libertarian social movements, but also in the seduction of authoritarianism and the emergence of the extreme right. For the above, we will review a prospective of issues that democracy will have to face and the classic and contemporary positions that have been at the base of this fundamental discussion.
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