Lectura de textos literarios y filosóficos para el bienestar de la salud mental del estudiante universitario
The pandemic caused by the Coviv-19 virus has caused a global stir, since it has affected both the physical health and the emotions of human beings. For this reason, the objective of this essay was to make recommendations for readings of philosophical literary texts that could develop not only the aspect of knowledge acquisition, but also the deliberation of positive emotions in the University Education student. The theoretical foundation was based on authors such as Vieiro and Gómez (2004), Parodi (1999), Ekman (1979), Wittgenstein (2017), Goleman (1996). The reading of literary texts and philosophical texts allows to deliberate the positive emotions in the individual such as: joy, surprise, suspense and aesthetic emotions that refer to the fascination for works of art, as well as the acquisition of knowledge that develops critical thinking and helps human beings to understand their own environment.
EKMAN, P. (1979) About brows: Emocional and conversacional signals.En Human Ethology
GOLEMAN, D. (1999). Inteligencia Emocional. Editorial Kairós. Madrid, España
PARODI, G. Relaciones entre lectura y escritura.Relaciones entre lectura y escritura; una perspectivacognitiva discursiva.Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso. Valparaíso-Chile.
VIEIRO, P y GÓMEZ, I. (2004). Psicología de la lectura. Editorial Pearson Prentice Hall. Madrid, España
POCATERRA, J. Cuentos Grotescos. Editorial Monte de Ávila. Caracas, Venezuela
SEARLE, J (1980). Actos de habla. Editorial Cátedra. Madrid, España
GARCÍA, G (1992). Los doce cuentos peregrinos. Editorial Mondari. Colombia
GAARDER, J (2008). El mundo de Sofía. Editorial Siruela. Madrid, España
Wittgenstein, L (2017). Investigaciones Filosóficas. Editorial Trotta. Argentina
Sartre, P. (1938). La Náusea. Ediciones Gallimard. Francia