Elementos Axiológicos desde la Perspectiva de la Responsabilidad Social en Instituciones de Educación Superior

Axiological Elements from the Perspective of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions


The purpose of this study is to analyze the axiological elements through a look at university social responsibility considering that HEIs should be understood as an organization with the same implications as any other; For this reason, their criteria and actions around the issue of social responsibility today take on equal force within institutional reflection, the role of Universities in these initiatives would be aimed at the integration in the educational curriculum of the teaching of ethics for the development and promotion of extension programs and policies that make the university a place for the formation of socially responsible professionals and ethical leaders of their community. Universities have as their mission the generation and dissemination of knowledge in order to fulfill the social function entrusted to them. In view of this, higher education institutions are required to initiate a process of institutional change to be in tune with the changes that have originated this new era. RSU actions must be aimed at achieving upright, ethical and honest citizens who conclude their professional career as knowledge that validates the incumbencies for which their degrees will enable them to be people committed to the society of which they are part and will overturn the caula their knowledge to improve their quality of life, trying to solve the problems that this society faces.


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How to Cite
Carrillo-Hernández, H. J., Gil-Osorio, I. M., & Berrío-Caballero, H. J. (2021). Elementos Axiológicos desde la Perspectiva de la Responsabilidad Social en Instituciones de Educación Superior: Axiological Elements from the Perspective of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Revista De Filosofía, 38(99), 818 - 826. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5701741
IV. Repensar la Educación Superior: Teorías y Prácticas