Consideraciones éticas sobre el uso de anticonceptivos orales de emergencia: Aspectos teórico-filosóficos para la discusión

Ethical Considerations on the use of Emergency Oral Contraceptives: Theoretical-Philosophical Aspects for Discussion


Since the beginning of humanity, sexuality and reproduction have been subjects of scientific and philosophical reflection, given the considerable impact they have on the development of human societies. For this reason, the issue of the use of emergency oral contraceptives is seen as a social problem that requires attention in Latin America, a place where various social asymmetries are present, such as: poverty, excessive population growth, violence, migration, unwanted pregnancies, among other factors that exacerbate the crisis in the regional context. In this vein, the article explores the ethical and philosophical dimension of the use of emergency oral contraceptives, pointing out the importance of its historical evolution, making it scientific, and the various ethical conflicts that researchers had to face in order to reach the methods known today. However, it does not lose sight of the existing difficulties on the subject - the population's ignorance, taboos and the culture of disinformation - constituting an additional challenge to this problem. The article does not pretend to arrive at a definitive position on the subject; on the contrary, it aspires to be a space for reflection and meeting between scientific-technical knowledge and theoretical-humanist.


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How to Cite
Arrellano Urrelo, C. R., Preciado Marchan, A. E., & Diaz Espinoza, M. (2021). Consideraciones éticas sobre el uso de anticonceptivos orales de emergencia: Aspectos teórico-filosóficos para la discusión: Ethical Considerations on the use of Emergency Oral Contraceptives: Theoretical-Philosophical Aspects for Discussion. Revista De Filosofía, 38(99), 241 - 257.
I. Ética, Globalidad Crítica y Bienestar Humano