La nueva revolución industrial en la conformación de un mundo multicultural hiperconectado

The New Industrial Revolution in Shaping a Hyper-connected Multicultural World


A 180-degree turn in industry has a direct impact on human daily life and the ways in which it interrelates. Digitalized social spaces, which go beyond social networks, have become agglomerations of cultures that, far from improving their understanding, have become reified in the process of a geocultural subsumption typical of the modern world system. Thus, the purpose of this article is to explain the impact of the new industrial revolution in the conformation of a connected multicultural world from the study of the new spaces of social concentration to confirm whether we are in a transition of geoculture or an expansion of it. The conclusions of the research led to observe that the digitalized social spaces are in a process of permanent contradiction; while there are conglomerates that reinforce the identity theme and the understanding of a multicultural world, it is also possible to visualize other spaces of exclusion and appropriation of the multicultural in various directions ranging from discrimination to its commodification.


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Author Biographies

Abdiel Hernández Mendoza , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - México

Profesor de tiempo completo (Negocios Internacionales), UNAM, Querétaro.

Responsable de la Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales, UNAM, México.

Profesor Interino de Carrera (Relaciones internacionales), UNAM, México.

Carolina Santibáñez Cárcamo, Universidad de Las Américas - Chile

Académico Asistente (Escuela de nutrición y Dietética), Universidad de las Américas, Chile.

Victoria Villalobos Molina, Universidad de Las Américas – Chile

Academic (Physical Therapy), Universidad de las Américas, Chile

MSC Human Factors and Ergonomics ( Faculty of Engineering), University of Nottingham: Nottingham, UK.


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How to Cite
Hernández Mendoza , A., Santibáñez Cárcamo, C., & Villalobos Molina, V. (2021). La nueva revolución industrial en la conformación de un mundo multicultural hiperconectado: The New Industrial Revolution in Shaping a Hyper-connected Multicultural World. Revista De Filosofía, 38(99), 211 - 224.
I. Ética, Globalidad Crítica y Bienestar Humano