La violencia como fenómeno social: Dimensiones filosóficas para su evaluación
Violence as a Social Phenomenon: Philosophical Dimensions for Evaluation
Violence is a social phenomenon that has been present throughout human history. Its conceptual clarifications are multiple and its approaches multimodal, which makes it a topic of interest for philosophy, particularly for philosophical anthropology, given the effects on real subjects in divergent contexts. For this reason, defining violence is highly complicated; however, one cannot lose sight of the conjunctural factors that lead to condition it as part of a hegemonic system in crisis, resulting in the presence of social anomalies such as patriarchy, sexism, domestic violence, crime, alcoholism, femicide, among others. This responds to a global logic that promotes exclusion and social injustice, as well as the presence of a culture of fear, while masking new ways of exercising violence in the Latin American region.
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