Educación medioambiental en perspectiva decolonial: Desafíos ante el modelo civilizatorio occidental
Environmental Education in Decolonial Perspective: Challenges to the Western Civilization Model
At present, environmental education is constituted as a necessary space for the reflection of various interdisciplinary academic groups, whose interest is the promotion of the responsible exercise of citizenship in the face of the ecological environment. It responds to the ethical interest of preserving the continuity of life on the planet, by pointing out the moral dimension of nature, as well as the need for its care and protection. However, the Western civilizing discourse, supported by anthropocentric educational proposals, continues to live in our time, manifesting itself in colonial ways of perceiving the environment. Faced with this reality, biocoloniality arises, understood as the coloniality of nature, a way of exercising power and control, masking colonial postulates in educational spaces and in environmental legislation; For this reason, it is necessary to decolonize environmental education, dismantle modern Eurocentric patterns, promoting educational policies and changes in ecological laws, insisting that they must come from communities, schools and universities, as well as from the understanding and ontological encounter of the man with nature. The work is approached from the hermeneutical-documentary approach, not pretending to be conclusive, but to serve as a contribution to this broad discussion.
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