Educación universitaria en Perú: un escenario de compromisos y desafíos ante la globalización

University Education in Peru: a scenario of Commitments and Challenges in the Facing of Globalization

Keywords: globalization; university education; educational model; internationalization


The world system is subject to a process of globalization that has a positive or negative impact on the economy, culture and quality of life of the societies of each country, if they do not have the necessary knowledge and strategies to be able to face in In the future, there will be the possibility of being trapped in the “jaws” of the process, therefore, this research seeks to carry out a critical analysis of the commitment and challenges of Peru universities in preparing their citizens to face globalization. The methodology used is documentary, based on the comparative, critical and reflective analysis of data on the progress of university education in this challenging planetary task. It is concluded that university education requires paradigm changes in the educational model in some universities, which assume an epistemological stance centered on the human being, improving the universalization of income, changes in the research quality indicators, generating patents of In a massive way, finally, it is urgently required to initiate processes of internationalization of the university to advance in what concerns teacher training, research and development. The insertion of the university system in Peru to face globalization will be possible if it is established as a political commitment of the State agreed by all sectors of the process.


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How to Cite
Valero Cajahuanca, J. E., Larios Franco, A. C., & González Vásquez, J. A. (2021). Educación universitaria en Perú: un escenario de compromisos y desafíos ante la globalización: University Education in Peru: a scenario of Commitments and Challenges in the Facing of Globalization. Revista De Filosofía, 38, 292-306.