B-Learning y transformación del pensamiento crítico universitario en Perú

B-Learning and Transformation of University Critical Thinking in Perú

Keywords: Critical thinking; b-learning; attitudinal skills; didactics


This article proposes a pedagogical system based on the formation of critical thinking through the b-learning modality in university education in Peru. The research is situated in the documentary modality that results in an essay-proposal, where the critical appraisal of the authors from the information obtained recreates the redefinition of the blended technological pedagogical strategy to go to the conceptual analysis of critical thinking from the point of view of some intellectuals. Three attitudinal competencies are obtained to apply through the use of interconnectivity technologies: creative reasoning, evaluation of reason and critical spirit. To operationalize the results, a mixed strategy is required, which consists of specifying critical thinking through research under the scheme of learning by doing, in addition the didactics will be centered on the student and the learning object.


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How to Cite
Sinche Crispin, F. V., Almidón Ortiz, C. A., & Gordillo Flores, R. E. (2021). B-Learning y transformación del pensamiento crítico universitario en Perú: B-Learning and Transformation of University Critical Thinking in Perú. Revista De Filosofía, 38, 278-291. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5147061