Tutorías de investigación formativas en tiempos de pandemia: retos y transformaciones necesarias

Formative Research Tutorials in Times of Pandemic: Challenges and Necessary Transformations

Keywords: Formative Research Tutorials; Educate in Pandemic; Information and Communication Technologies (TIC).


This research identifies and analyzes the main requirements for education mediated through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to be successful. Formative research tutorials are contextualized and studied in the various contexts that the current sanitary confinement situation presents. We promote mediated education through the spaces that technologies allow, favoring dialogic events, where knowledge is presented as a fabric of reflections, a confluence of reasons and justifications. We consider education as the preferably humanizing event of social relations. Consequently, we promote responsibility as the main virtue of those who articulate education as a favor to the existence of others. It is a bibliographic research from the rationalist approach.


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How to Cite
Rojas Beltran, M., Pérez Sierra , J. L., & Rayo Benavides, C. Y. (2021). Tutorías de investigación formativas en tiempos de pandemia: retos y transformaciones necesarias: Formative Research Tutorials in Times of Pandemic: Challenges and Necessary Transformations. Revista De Filosofía, 38, 239-251. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5146797