Estrategias pedagógicas para el fortalecimiento de la convivencia y la democracia: retos pedagógicos por la contingencia sanitaria covid-19
Pedagogical Strategies for Strengthening Coexistence and Democracy: Pedagogical Challenges for Covid-19 Health Contingency
This research analyses ways of articulating aspects related to education, coexistence and democracy, based on the multiple pedagogical constraints generated by the health contingency of COVID-19. To this end, a study was made within the Educational Institutions, barranquilla of the Department of the Atlantic, Colombia, to determine the contribution of the Didactic Learning Guides, the implementation of the Inverted Classrooms approach, hybrid educational models, as strategies that promote plural forms of learning, democracy and healthy coexistence. The study was based on the type of qualitative research, based on the interpretive paradigm, with a rationalist-deductive approach. The results indicated that the use of the aforementioned pedagogical strategies and the resources that facilitate communication technologies, with dialogical epistemic forms, induce the strengthening of education, coexistence and democracy, as well as shared critical thinking, seeking to promote education for the breakdown of impositions for the benefit of democratic societies as better places of coexistence.
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