Desafíos de las universidades ante la sociedad del conocimiento, la era digital y la electrónica para la formación profesional

Challenges of universities in the knowledge society, the digital age and electronics for vocational training

Keywords: knowledge society; digital age; electronics age; vocational training.


This article incorporates a series of considerations related to the new challenges, demands and commitments faced by university institutions in charge of training professionals in the so-called knowledge society, digital and electronic era. These challenges imply significant changes in teaching models and the incorporation of information and communication technologies. In today's world, where the need for lifelong learning has been assumed and technologies have come to play a relevant role, education is doomed to rethink its objectives in the training of a professional in education, with skills practices, knowledge, motivation, ethical values, attitudes, emotions and the incorporation of the concept of digital competence to achieve effective action in the face of the growing demands of societies and new socio-cultural guidelines. The changes demanded around vocational training are supported by the need to establish educational models that adapt to a training context that responds to the transformations that are generated within their professional field.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez S, M. I., Castellar Rodríguez, A. A., & Barrios Lozano, O. F. (2021). Desafíos de las universidades ante la sociedad del conocimiento, la era digital y la electrónica para la formación profesional: Challenges of universities in the knowledge society, the digital age and electronics for vocational training. Revista De Filosofía, 38(97), 406-416.