El saber comunicacional en Latinoamérica y la ruta para su re-articulación indisciplinar

The Communicational Knowledge in Latin America and the Route for its Indisciplinary Re-articulation

Keywords: Communication Theories; Study field; Discipline; Latin America.


The challenges of what to do in the contemporary communication, especially in the learning process associated with the university education, are unveiled with a complexity and deeper meaning that is precise approach with new perspectives, tools, strategic theories and methods. In this sense, and particularly in the academic field of the Communication, it would be appropriate the search for new focuses and theoretical models, including classic and recent ones, which evidence the art state of the knowledge and practice refer to as Communication theories, their models, and the research focuses. The present working paper propose re-interpret, re-discuss and re-articulate some theories and their central concepts, which give sense and action setting in the Communications studies with the purpose of verify its trans disciplinary, eclectic, transversal  and heterodox character in the presence of others disciplines own theories in the Latin-American Communication thinking.



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How to Cite
García Leyva, D. M. (2021). El saber comunicacional en Latinoamérica y la ruta para su re-articulación indisciplinar: The Communicational Knowledge in Latin America and the Route for its Indisciplinary Re-articulation. Revista De Filosofía, 38(97), 395-405. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4885138