La agenda 2030: los desafíos al Estado y a la democracia

The 2030 Agenda: Challenges to the State and Democracy

Keywords: Agenda 2030; State, democracy


The United Nations (UN) has defined a document called the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This document, accepted by the majority of the international community, represents great challenges to the State in its responsibilities with the public, which in turn constitutes a challenge for the deepening of democracy. This analysis is a reflection on the Latin American educational panorama that is torn between the continuation of the privatizing-neoliberal policies and the defense of public education. This scenario imposes on teachers the apprehension that education is a form of intervention in the world and the conviction that deepening democracy requires everyone's right to education.


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How to Cite
Liñan Cuello, Y. I., Mejia Gonzalez, L., & Ospino Jaraba, D. E. (2021). La agenda 2030: los desafíos al Estado y a la democracia: The 2030 Agenda: Challenges to the State and Democracy. Revista De Filosofía, 38(97), 383-394.