El movimiento feminista como teoría de la justicia

The Feminist Movement as a Theory of Justice

Keywords: feminism; justice; equality; Jhon Rawls; Simone de Bouveaur.


The feminist movement and the political theories that support it, has been presented throughout history as a struggle for equal recognition of rights between men and women and against patriarchy as a prevailing social system where inequalities prevail. John Rawls and his theory of justice seek with his egalitarian liberalism the disappearance of these inequalities in pursuit of a socially just society. Here both theories, the postulates they have in common and their respective criticisms are put into balance. Feminism is also reviewed as a theory of justice from Latin America, with its successes and failures.


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How to Cite
Ferrer Mendoza, Y., Hernández, J. C., & Guzmán Valeta, A. M. (2021). El movimiento feminista como teoría de la justicia: The Feminist Movement as a Theory of Justice. Revista De Filosofía, 38(97), 372-382. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4890951