Análisis semiótico – discursivo del texto La tercera resignación de Gabriel García Márquez

Semiotics - Discursive analysis of Text The Third Resignation by Gabriel García Márquez

Keywords: Semiotic-Discursive Analysis; The Third Resignation of Gabriel García Márquez; Latin American Literature; Latin American Surrealism.


The semiotic study of the story La Tercera Resignación, by Gabriel García Márquez, published in the book Ojos de Perro Azul; It allows to identify various common features of Latin short stories. Applying the Binary Model of Roland Barthes, the Stratified Model of Umberto Eco and the Model of semiotic Analysis of Algirdas Greimas, the theme, the axiological level is determined; also, to fix the main rhetorical resources, to equate the main connotations and denotations. Thus, establish the various paradigms of opposition used, in addition to the main narrative programs that coexist in order to give cohesion and meaning. Due to its particularities, the work is framed and represents Latin American surrealism. Therefore, it allows an approximation and understanding of the narrative moment it represents. It is a documentary investigation, it is diachronic in nature from the deductive-rationalist approach.


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How to Cite
Terreros Calle, F. C., & Devia Pernia, H. J. (2021). Análisis semiótico – discursivo del texto La tercera resignación de Gabriel García Márquez: Semiotics - Discursive analysis of Text The Third Resignation by Gabriel García Márquez. Revista De Filosofía, 38(97), 265-278.