La traducción bíblica en Agustín

Biblical Translation in Agustine

Keywords: Saint Agustin; Translation; Bible; Meaning of the original text.


In De Doctrina Christiana, Augustine presents the translation of the biblical text as the means of making the Bible known to all men and in all languages. However, he also puts us in front of a no lesser difficulty, the untranslatability of some parts of the holy book, since the untranslatable terms present in the original text compromise any attempt at translation, always being imperfect. In this way, we evidence a problem in Augustine's thought, because while he affirms the need for translation, he shows the untranslatability present in the biblical text. Based on this, the present research aims to demonstrate that translation is not only necessary, but is also always possible, and that untranslatable terms do not compromise biblical translation.


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How to Cite
Dionísio, J. (2021). La traducción bíblica en Agustín: Biblical Translation in Agustine. Revista De Filosofía, 38(97), 231-247.