La diáspora en un Caribe que se difracta. En busca de su precisión conceptual

The Diaspora at a Diffracting Caribbean. Looking for its Conceptual Precision

Keywords: Diaspora; Caribbean diaspora; concept definition; Caribbean.


The issue of the Caribbean diaspora, a phenomenon inherent in the very process of shaping these spaces, has being characterized by the establishment of Arawak communities, Iberian invasion, genocides, slave trade, constant moving to and from a new space, and because of that, it has created a problem for the thought and a notion that seeks its conceptual precision. The Caribbean is with its diaspora a world that is continuously expanding, diffracting. This is the topic this text is dedicated to.


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How to Cite
Valdés, F., Villa Navas, A. R., & Liñan Cuello, Y. I. (2020). La diáspora en un Caribe que se difracta. En busca de su precisión conceptual: The Diaspora at a Diffracting Caribbean. Looking for its Conceptual Precision. Revista De Filosofía, 37(96), 98-108.