Romero: Politics and Utopia

Romero: Politics and Utopia


Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez constitutes an important figure in the Latin American religious imaginary. His work transcends the walls of the temples and in a frank preferential option for the poor, he is committed to the building of a new civilization. His political praxis oriented from the lines of the Gospels knew how to recognize injustice in its multiple expressions, denounce military totalitarianisms and in turn infuse a hopeful message in the construction of a more humane society. This essay highlights his political and utopian perspective of his work, the same of a Church that confronts the powerful and makes a common home with the excluded.


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How to Cite
Blanco Torres, Y. O., Iguarán Magdaniel, M. L., & Jaramillo Peñaloza, Y. E. (2020). Romero: Politics and Utopia: Romero: Politics and Utopia. Revista De Filosofía, 37(96), 46-55.