Reason, Affection and Embodiment: Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Intentional Behavior

Reason, Affection and Embodiment: Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Intentional Behavior

Keywords: intentional behavior; corporeity; affect; epistemology; human motivation.


Intentional human behavior, or motivated behavior, has been interpreted from different psychological models from perspectives that have emphasized endogenous (introspection, private language) or exogenous (the environment, public language) factors. From the cognitive model, in its latest epistemological approaches, it has delved into an analysis that seeks to overcome the empirical limitations of the classical approaches. The corporeal and affective perspective has shown to be in principle in a more coherent and parsimonious approach to be able to understand the reality of human intention.


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How to Cite
Moreno Solís, V. (2020). Reason, Affection and Embodiment: Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Intentional Behavior : Reason, Affection and Embodiment: Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Intentional Behavior . Revista De Filosofía, 37(95), 149-155. Retrieved from