Phenomenology of the Queer Teory: Culture, Identity And Spirit

Phenomenology of the Queer Teory: Culture, Identity And Spirit.

Keywords: Gender approach; queer; identity; spirit; discrimination.


The gender approach is much more than a simple discursive perception. While tolerance and respect play an important role in the prevention of violence and any form of gender discrimination, it does not mean that cultural factors are the only predominant issues in this subject of study, as the queer theory, the strange, the weird, lately it has become the favorite excuse to reject everything that opposes gender as a construction.


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How to Cite
Cedeño Astudillo, L. F. (2020). Phenomenology of the Queer Teory: Culture, Identity And Spirit: Phenomenology of the Queer Teory: Culture, Identity And Spirit. Revista De Filosofía, 36(93), 62-78. Retrieved from