Kant and the Own Body as Condition of Possibility of All Sublime Aesthetic Experience

Kant and the Own Body as Condition of Possibility of All Sublime Aesthetic Experience

Keywords: Sublime; Corporality; Aesthetic estimation; Kant; Pleasure/Displeasure


In the present work it will shown that the unpleasure moment of the sublime in Kant exhibit the human corporality since then subject experiences a unpleasant shudder bodily because he feeling helpless or diminutive before what he have before us. It will also show that is this subject corporality that allows at first the perception of the objects that produced the feeling of the sublime. In this way we have to consider the own body as possibility condition of all sublime esthetic experience.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Ariel D’Atri, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Guillermo Ariel D’Atri

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA



BURKE, Edmund, De lo sublime y de lo bello, trad. Menene Gras Balaguer, Barcelona, Altaya, 1998, Discurso preliminar: Sobre el gusto, pág. 29.

KANT, Immanuel, Crítica del juicio, trad. Manuel García Morente, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1984, pág. 277.

SCHECK Daniel O., “La doble naturaleza de lo sublime kantiano: entre el sacrificio estético y el placer moral”, Revista methodus Nº 4 (2009), pág. 81-82.

KANT, Immanuel, Antropología en sentido pragmático, parágrafo 16, trad. De Mario Caimi, Buenos Aires: Losada, 2009.

How to Cite
D’Atri, G. A. (2020). Kant and the Own Body as Condition of Possibility of All Sublime Aesthetic Experience: Kant and the Own Body as Condition of Possibility of All Sublime Aesthetic Experience. Revista De Filosofía, 37(94), 77-91. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/filosofia/article/view/34948