Vol. 46 No. 1 (2023)

In volume 46 of the Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Zulia, our editorial pays homage to an illustrious Zulian and Venezuelan of international renown, Dr. Ignacio Rodríguez Iturbe, recognized as a specialist with an outstanding world trajectory in the areas of geomorphohydrology and ecohydrology.

In recognition of the extraordinary  trajectory of more than 50 years, who in life gave himself up to respond to the deep desire to understand how nature works; at the service of teaching and professional excellence, characterized by humility, which allowed him to leave a legacy that transcends the professional and academic, since he was an example of the need to transcend the criteria of the useful, towards the search for truth as part of his life. In this 2023, 60 years of his professional life and legacy are commemorated, from this his House of Studies and Revista Técnica.

Starting with this volume 46, the Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Zulia, publishes its annual volume in continuous edition format (rolling pass), to guarantee the dynamic flow of the works we receive and its immediate publication after to comply with the corresponding review process.

Published: 2023-01-07

Review paper

Artículos de Investigación

Notas Técnicas.