Obtaining Pig Iron Alloyed Which Ni and Cr by Carbothermic Reduction in a Direct Current Arc Furnace of Nicaro Tails from Nickel Production
The existence residuals from nickle (Ni) production that could be used to obtain metallized materials in the steel production along with the insufficient availability of coke, leads us to think of alternative sustainable processes, based on more accessible reducers, such as non-coking coals. The objective of the research was to evaluate the production of pig iron alloyed with Ni and Cr by carbothermal reduction in a direct current arc furnace of tailings from the Ni production process in Nicaro, Cuba, without benefiting, using anthracite coal as a reducer in order to substitute scrap in the process to obtain alloy steels. For this purpose, theoretical calculations to obtain pig iron by carbothermal reduction were carried out to establish the composition of the charge and the experimental validation of obtaining pig iron was conducted. The amounts of the foundry products, their yields, the composition of the pig iron obtained and the recovery of Fe, Ni and Cr were determined. The study shows that it is viable to obtain pig iron alloyed with Ni and Cr, by means of carbothermal reduction in a direct current arc furnace of untreated Nicaro tailings, using anthracite coal as a reducer
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Copyright (c) 2023 Amado Cruz-Crespo, Jesús Ortiz-Bárcenas, Lorenzo Perdomo-González, Rafael Quintana-Puchol, josé Pons-Herrera, Gualberto Rosales-Martín
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