Differences in the Determinants of Entrepreneurship Success In Mexico, A Gender Perspective
In Mexico, according to data from the Ministry of Finance, 3 out of 5 businesses that are opened are run by women, in the same way it has been observed that in this country, the government has placed an emphasis on generating support programs for enterprising women. However, the failure rate of the enterprises is 75%. This forces to investigate the factors that determine the differences in the success of the enterprises between men and women. To do this, the behavioral and managerial factors that determine the impact on entrepreneurial success are analyzed, conducting an empirical study of 255 managers of recently created companies (from 0 to 3 years of opening) in four cities in northern Mexico. Using structural equations model, it was obtained that behavioral elements are entrepreneurship success determinants of women, that is, extraversion, openness and awareness. While for men, managerial skills are what determine their success. The previous results show the need to strengthen managerial training in women to achieve business success.
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