Digital Competences in Managers and Isolated Teachers in the Context of Remote Education in 2020


Digital competences are part of the profile of the educational professional in virtual situations. Better development of these capacities is assumed in emerging virtual education systems due to the educational models that emerged in a pandemic. The objective of the research was to analyze the digital competences in remote education of 280 managers and teachers from two situational contexts. Using the quantitative approach, a descriptive study was carried out, with a transectional evaluation method. This allowed the application of a scale of digital competences in two periods of the year of pandemic prevalence by Sars-Cov-2 in the year 2020. As results, differences were found in the average and indices of difference analyzed, these sustained the increase in levels of digital competences in teachers, unlike the directors of educational institutions located in vulnerable contexts, higher levels and averages were found in the abilities of acquisition and use of information, communication and collaboration, and in the creation of digital resources. As a conclusion, there is a higher level of digital competences developed in teachers as opposed to managers, highlighting higher levels of communication and collaboration skills, as well as the creation of digital resources.

Author Biographies

Jhon Holguin-Alvarez

Docente del Instituto de Investigación. Especialidad de Educación Primaria. Universidad César Vallejo, Perú. Correspondencia: ORCID ID:

Juan Apaza-Quispe

Docente de la Escuela Profesional de Arte y Diseño Gráfico Empresarial. Universidad César Vallejo, Perú. ORCID ID:

Jenny Maria Ruiz Salazar

Docente del área de Ciencias. Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. ORCID ID:

Juan Antonio Picoy Gonzales

Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela Profesional de Obstetricia. Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica. ORCID ID:


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How to Cite
Holguin-Alvarez, J., Apaza-Quispe, J., Ruiz Salazar, J. M., & Picoy Gonzales, J. A. (2021). Digital Competences in Managers and Isolated Teachers in the Context of Remote Education in 2020. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 26(94), 623-643.
En la Mira: Talento humano en las organizaciones: Competencias y proyecciones

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