La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible a debate: Mitos y realidades

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development under Debate: Myths and Realities

Keywords: sustainable development goals, agenda 2030, informed debate, myths and realities, Cuestiones políticas


The commonly called Agenda 2030 is a document that defines the objectives for the achievement of sustainable development (SDGs) in the world, which is why it is a crucial document for the progress of humanity; However, there is a lot of misinformation on the subject, in many cases propagated by youtuber who are not specialists in the subject but their message acquires a great diffusion, consequently, this presentation has two purposes, first, to serve as a presentation to the January-March 2024 edition, corresponding to volume 42, number 80 of Cuestiones Políticas; second, to serve as an editorial through the reflection of a subject of international interest. It is concluded that historical documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, or the 2030 Agenda, are a fundamental referent that accounts for the highest ethical principles of humanity and the most pressing issues to be resolved in the world, to ensure a life of dignity and quality to the human person and all forms of higher life that make up the biosphere.


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Author Biographies

Jorge J. Villasmil Espinoza, Universidad del Zulia en Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Doctor en Ciencia Política con estudios postdoctorales en Derechos Humanos; Editor de Cuestiones Políticas; profesor titular de la Universidad del Zulia en Maracaibo, Venezuela. Web of Science Researcher ID: AAO-7385-2020.

Roman Oleksenko , Universidad Estatal Central de Ucrania Volodymyr Vynnychenko, Kropyvnytskyi, Ucrania.

Universidad Estatal Central de Ucrania Volodymyr Vynnychenko, Kropyvnytskyi, Ucrania.


ASAMBLEA GENERAL DE NACIONES UNIDAS. 2018. La Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Una oportunidad para América Latina y el Caribe. Cepal. Santiago de Chile, Chile. Disponible en línea. En: Fecha de consulta: 12/03/24.

ASAMBLEA GENERAL DE NACIONES UNIDAS. 1948. Declaración universal de los derechos humanos. ONU, Nueva York, USA. Disponible en línea. En: Fecha de consulta: 12/03/24.

ASAMBLEA NACIONAL CONSTITUYENTE. 2008. Constitución política de la república del Ecuador. Gaceta nacional de Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador. Disponible en línea. En: Fecha de consulta: 12/03/24.

ECHEVERRÍA, Rafael. 1999. El Búho de Minerva. Comunicaciones Noreste Ltda. Santiago de Chile, Chile.

GIDDENS, Anthony. 1998. La tercera vía. La renovación de la socialdemocracia. Taurus. Madrid, España.
How to Cite
Villasmil Espinoza, J. J., & Oleksenko , R. (2024). La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible a debate: Mitos y realidades: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development under Debate: Myths and Realities. Political Questions, 42(80), 10-14.