On the Principles of Sanctions of Criminal Law Norms in the Context of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Clarification of Definitions

Sobre los Principios de Sanción de las Normas de Derecho Penal en el Contexto de la Invasión Rusa de Ucrania: Aclaración de las definiciones

Keywords: globalization, criminal liability, international conflicts, Russian aggression, Russian-Ukrainian war


The aim of the work was to determine the peculiarities of the principles of formation of sanctions of criminal law norms in the conditions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The method of analysis and research was used to interpret the works of legal scientists and determine the main theoretical approaches to the application of sanctions in international law on the example of Russia’s violation of international law against Ukraine. For the detailed study of the subject the method of analysis and synthesis and descriptive method was used, as well as the method of generalization to determine the results of the research. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the study clarifies the concept of sanctioning of criminal law norms as one of the original factors of international conflict resolution. The practical significance of the study consists in identifying the action of sanctions in conditions of war by Russia against Ukraine. It is concluded that, the conducted study is the basis for specifying the concept of the principles of sanctions in the international legal sphere, which is also the result of the analysis of legal works.


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Author Biographies

Roman Maksymovych, Lviv State University, Lviv, Ukraine.

Candidate of Law (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of Law, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Institute of Law, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines 79007, Lviv, 26 Horodotska str., Ukraine.

Oksana Gorpyniuk, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.

Candidate of Law (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of Law, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Institute of Law, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines 79007, Lviv, 26 Horodotska str., Ukraine.

Iryna Serkevych, Lviv State University, Lviv, Ukraine.

Candidate of Law (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of Law, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Institute of Law, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines 79007, Lviv, 26 Horodotska str. Ukraine.

Mykhailo Akimov, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Criminal Law Department National Academy of Internal Affairs, 1, Solomyanska square, Kyiv, 03035, Ukraine. 

Petro Korniienko, National Academy of Statistics, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Dr. hab in Law, Professorof the Department of Philosophy, Law and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines Department of Philosophy, Law and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines the Faculty of Finance and Economics, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Pathirana str. 1, Kyiv, Ukraine,


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How to Cite
Maksymovych, R., Gorpyniuk, O., Serkevych, I., Akimov, M., & Korniienko, P. (2022). On the Principles of Sanctions of Criminal Law Norms in the Context of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Clarification of Definitions: Sobre los Principios de Sanción de las Normas de Derecho Penal en el Contexto de la Invasión Rusa de Ucrania: Aclaración de las definiciones. Political Questions, 40(74), 895-908. https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4074.50
Derecho Público