The substrate of criminal-legal influence

  • Oleksandr Kozachenko Institute of Law of the National University “Odesa Law Academy
  • Oleksandr Sotula ational University “Odesa Law Academy”
  • Vasyl Biblenko Kherson State University
  • Kostiantyn Giulyakov Kherson State University
  • Oleksandr Bereznikov Kherson State University. 
Keywords: sociocultural environment, substrate of criminal-legal influence, criminal-legal measure, coercive and incentive influence methods, judicial discretion


The aim of the article is found on the idea of measure as a substrate of criminal-legal influence. The publication proposes to consider the measure as a substrate of external forms of legal influence and criminal-legal measure as a primary element of all external forms of criminal-legal influence (in connection with the commission of a criminal act). The analysis allows us to conclude that the substrate of legal influence is a basic element of socio-legal regulation (which substantively combines a system of techniques and methods of influence used to obtain a positive and socially significant result). It should be understood that a criminal-legal measure is a system of techniques and methods of coercive and rehabilitation-encouraging influence of the state on criminal practices (criminal offenses, objectively illegal acts, abuse of law) and lawful post-criminal behavior, which is carried out by the law, determined by the socio-cultural environment. It is concluded that such ideas of Leonardo Polo as coexistence, the abandonment of mental limit, his thoughts on ethics, knowledge, and law can be applied successfully when the criminal-legal measure is characterized by several features that distinguish it from measures of the legal influence of another industry.


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Author Biographies

Oleksandr Kozachenko, Institute of Law of the National University “Odesa Law Academy

Doctor of Legal Science, Mykolayiv Institute of Law of the National University “Odesa Law Academy”

Oleksandr Sotula, ational University “Odesa Law Academy”

Doctor of Legal Science, National University “Odesa Law Academy”

Vasyl Biblenko, Kherson State University

Ph. D. candidate, Kherson State University. 


Kostiantyn Giulyakov, Kherson State University

Ph. D. candidate, Kherson State University. 

Oleksandr Bereznikov, Kherson State University. 

Ph. D. candidate, Kherson State University. 


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How to Cite
Kozachenko, O., Sotula, O., Biblenko, V., Giulyakov, K., & Bereznikov, O. (2021). The substrate of criminal-legal influence. Political Questions, 39(68), 441-462. Retrieved from
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