Carlos Walter Porto Gonçalves: essential friend of life

  • Enrique LEFF Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


This text is not proposed as what, strictly, is usually considered an academic article, since its fundamental objective is to offer a sense of intellectual and academic recognition, of respect and deep affection for the academic and intellectual career, but, above all, to the always twinned spirit that Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves shared with all those others (intellectuals, academics, peoples and/or communities in struggle), which he also embodied as part of his own r-existence as an expression of his irreducible connection and struggle for life. For this reason, the text follows the journey of an academic-intellectual-political relationship and friendship, marked by meetings, conversations, sharing, debates and creations in which we both learned to deepen the fight for the sustainability of everyone's life.

Author Biography

Enrique LEFF, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

(México 1946). Economista, sociólogo ambiental, escritor y catedrático mexicano. Considerado como uno de los pensadores ambientales latinoamericanos más importantes. Profesor de Ecología Política y Política Ambiental en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

How to Cite
LEFF, E. (2024). Carlos Walter Porto Gonçalves: essential friend of life. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 29(107), e13880605. Retrieved from