A FPGA implementation of a LMS adaptative algorithm for smart antenna arrays

  • Javier Alexander Castellanos Hernández UNEFA - Venezuela
  • Cecilia Esperanza Sandoval Ruiz Universidad de Carabobo - Venezuela
  • Marco Aurelio Azpúrua Auyanet Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería para Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico - Venezuela


This paper presents a design of an adaptive algorithm, proposed for applications in arrays of antennas with adjustable weight. This algorithm was selected because of its simplicity, efficiency and performance; which makes it idoneous to be implemented on a reconfigurable hardware device. The methodology developed begins with the design of the study case and the analysis of the LMS algorithm in the adaptive control of the radiation pattern for the four element antenna array, using MATLABâ„¢ v.7.6., then the definition of the model, the components, the description of the behavior using the syntax in VHDL for the design on a FPGA device, using the ISE 10.1 Xilinx tool. Finally, the validation of the designed circuit is presented through simulations using ModelSim 5.7. Resulting in synthesis reports resources used in the design developed.


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Biografias Autor

Javier Alexander Castellanos Hernández, UNEFA - Venezuela
Coordinación de Electrónica, UNEFA. Carretera Maracay-Mariara, frente a la base Aérea “Mariscal Sucre”, Edo. Aragua, Venezuela. Tlf: 058+0412-0783140.
Cecilia Esperanza Sandoval Ruiz, Universidad de Carabobo - Venezuela
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Carabobo. Naguanagua, sector Bárbula. Edo. Carabobo, Venezuela.
Marco Aurelio Azpúrua Auyanet, Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería para Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico - Venezuela
Laboratorio de Electromagnetismo Aplicado, Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería para  Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico. Carretera Baruta-Hoyo de la Puerta,  Urb. Monte Elena II (Entrada IDEA), Altos de Sartenejas, Baruta, Edo. Miranda, Venezuela.
Como Citar
Castellanos Hernández, J. A., Sandoval Ruiz, C. E. e Azpúrua Auyanet, M. A. (2016) «A FPGA implementation of a LMS adaptative algorithm for smart antenna arrays», Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia, 37(3). Disponível em: https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/tecnica/article/view/21211 (Acedido: 3Julho2024).
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