Journal Mision and Vision
The Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Zulia (RTI-LUZ), publishes papers related to all areas of engineering (civil, electrical, chemical, mechanical, petroleum, geodesic, industrial, environmental, among others) and applied sciences (mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, and computing). Outstanding and unpublished scientific works are published in the form of research articles, technical notes, update articles, invited articles and communications to the editor, from the national and international scientific-technological community, from universities, institutes and research centers, among others.
- Periodically publish original and unpublished works, product of research activities in the different areas of engineering and applied sciences, carried out by national and/or foreign researchers.
- Serve as an instrument for linking with the scientific universe, through collaboration with other publishing entities.
- Encourage scientific-technical research, promoting the exchange of publications and scientific activity at a national and international level in engineering and applied sciences.
- Contribute to the country's technological progress by disseminating research papers.