Adsorption and ion exehange of the sugar cane bagasse in the treatmet of industrial effuents. II.-Kinetics studies

  • N. Alastre Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
  • N. Fernández Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
  • C. García Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela


The increasing use of non-biodegradable, synthetic detergents, such as Alquil Benzil Sulfonate (ABS). cause significant contamination of the water supply. The removal of these complex substances is necessary, as they give rise to serious problems in water treatment. Adsorption processes represent one effective way to significantly reduce these compounds. The study of adsorption system kinetics is necessary in order to design contact equipment. Activated coal as an adsorbent produces effluents of high quality but at a high cost. The adsorptive capacity of sugar cane bagasse, a waste product of the sugar industry, has been studied with respect lo ABS. These results have been reported in another publication. This research work presents a study of ABS adsorption kinetics on sugar cane bagasse. An analysis is included of the adsorption mechanism and the effects of initial concentrations of ABS. particle size of the bagasse and temperature. According to the results, the adsorption rate of the Bagase-ABS system is controlled both by external mass transfer and by intraparticle diffusion in operating conditions. Additionally, it was found that if initial ABS concentration decreases, the time necessary to approach equilibrium conditions was shorter. It was also found that reduction of particle size and temperature increased the adsorption rate.


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How to Cite
Alastre, N., Fernández, N. and García, C. (1) “Adsorption and ion exehange of the sugar cane bagasse in the treatmet of industrial effuents. II.-Kinetics studies”, Rev. Téc. Fac. Ing. Univ. Zulia, 17(1). Available at: (Accessed: 16March2025).
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