Effect of a Natural Additive in Triethanolamine during the Anodizing of 7050 Aluminum

  • Eduardo Lodato Rincón Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, Maracaibo 4001, Venezuela
  • María Adriana Quintero Lodato Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, Maracaibo 4001, Venezuela
  • Nathalie María Romero Echeto Centro de Estudios de Corrosión, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo 4001, Venezuela
  • Oladis T. de Rincón https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3693-5057
  • Brendy Rincón Troconis School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Construction Management, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas 78249, USA. Departament of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas 78249, USA https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8895-1016
Keywords: anodized aluminum, divi-divi, sulfuric acid, triethanolamine


Sulfuric acid is the main electrolyte in anodizing processes; however, high concentrations of this substance are harmful to the environment due to the byproducts it generates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the fruit of Caesalpinia coriaria (divi-divi) combined with triethanolamine (TEA) in a low concentration of sulfuric acid, on the oxide film generated during the anodizing of 7050 aluminum. To carry out this objective, an electrolytic cell was designed where the anodization process was carried out. An epoxy coating for aerospace applications was applied to the already treated specimens. Finally, they were characterized according to: oxide layer thickness using Eddy currents and “pull-off” adhesion test. It was revealed that C. coriaria affects the protective film, increasing its thickness by an average of 1.6 ± 0.1 µm, with respect to the sample that was treated only with TEA. Similarly, in the adhesion test, although results greater than 6,800 kPa were obtained, it was concluded that additional tests must be carried out with higher resistance epoxy adhesives to generate accurate results


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Author Biographies

Nathalie María Romero Echeto, Centro de Estudios de Corrosión, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo 4001, Venezuela

Doctora en Ingeniería, Magister scientuarium en Corrosión, Ingeniero Químico, Especialista en Recubrimientos para el control de la corrosión. Profesora e investigadora activa del Centro de Estudios de Corrosión de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Zulia.

Oladis T. de Rincón

Dr. Oladis Troconis de Rincón is a Visiting Scientist at UTSA. She works since 1972 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Zulia (LUZ), in Venezuela, where she was Founder and Former Director of the Centro de Estudios de Corrosión and currently continues as an Advisor. She is a Chemical Engineer and has a Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Oklahoma University in the USA, is a Doctor in Fundamental and Applied Electrochemistry from the Universidad de los Andes in Venezuela and received a “Doctor Honoris Causa” from the Universidad del Zulia. She is also CP Specialist from NACE International and is accredited in the National Research Promotion Program at the highest level (Emeritus). She is Fellow of NACE International and Individual number XI in the Academy of Engineering and Habitat, Venezuela. Her main research areas are: corrosion and its control, as well as the prevention of pathological problems in reinforced concrete and metal structures, Atmospheric Corrosion and Cathodic Protection. Prof. Troconis de Rincón has also led different works, for the industry, related to the Diagnosis / Evaluation / Repair-Rehabilitation of reinforced concrete and metallic structures, including evaluation/design of cathodic protection systems for pipelines and platforms; leading Latin American projects such as DURAR and DURACON of CYTED

Brendy Rincón Troconis, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Construction Management, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas 78249, USA. Departament of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas 78249, USA

Dr. Brendy Rincón Troconis es Profesor Asistente en el Departamento de Ingenieria Mecanica, asi como también profesor adjunto del Departamento de Ingeniería Ambiental y Civil en the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). Ella obtuvo su grado de Ingeniera Química con honores de Summa Cum Laude de la Universidad del Zulia en Venezuela y su Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales en The Ohio State University mientras trabajaba en el Fontana Corrosion Center. Antes de unirse a UTSA, la Prof. Rincón fue Investigador Asociado en el Center for Electrochemical Science and Engineering en University of Virginia. El trabajo de investigación de la Prof. Rincón ha sido patrocinado por AMPP (former NACE International), la Comisión Reguladora Nuclear de USA (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission), La Oficina Naval de Investigación de USA (US Office of Naval Research), la Industria, y otros. Sus investigaciones se han enfocado en el área de Corrosión acuosa, incluyendo corrosión por tensión, fragilización por hidrogeno, adhesión de recubrimientos, corrosión localizada, corrosión atmosférica, inhibidores de corrosión, y corrosión en concreto reforzado. Sus trabajos han sido publicados en revistas de alto impacto como Corrosion, Materials Science & Engineering: A, Scientific Reports, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Progress in Organic Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, and others. La Prof. Rincón también es esposa y madre de tres niños (2, 3, y 6 años).


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How to Cite
Lodato Rincón, E., Quintero Lodato, M. A., Romero Echeto, N. M., de Rincón, O. T. and Rincón Troconis, B. (2023) “Effect of a Natural Additive in Triethanolamine during the Anodizing of 7050 Aluminum”, Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia, 46(1), p. e234614. doi: 10.22209/rt.v46a14.
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