Effect of Carragenates, Soya Isolated Protein and Carmine on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Standard Chicken Breast

Effect of Carragenates, Soya Isolated Protein and Carmine on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Standard Chicken Breast

Keywords: acceptability, colour, design by Box-Behnken, texture


The chicken meat is recognized worldwide for its health benefits and its low cost compared to pork, beef and lamb. The present investigation aimed to determine the optimal level of carrageenan (0.5; 1 and 1.5 %), isolated soy protein (0, 1 and 2 %) and carmine (0; 0.1 and 0.2 %) for the preparation of standard cooked chicken breast. For this, 15 different combinations were obtained according the Response Surface Design of the Box-Behnken, the size of each experimental unit was 400 g and two repetitions per treatment, after each treatment were evaluated  the texture, color and water activity. The data obtained were analyzed through a linear model + interaction and the optimal formulation were achieved with a desirability of 0.9239, then the product was characterized with chemical evaluations obtaining a humidity of 78.67 %, protein 15.18 %, fat 0.55 % and ashes 2.78 %. Additionally the optimized product was performed sensory comparison with two commercial brands, evaluating the parameter color, smell, taste, texture and acceptance, with a structured scale of 5 points. The optimized product is a reliable alternative for consumers and the chicken processing industry, due it has high protein content, low in fat, rich in minerals and did not show syneresis.


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Author Biographies

Oscar René García Agüiño , Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

Agroindustrial Engineer. Agroindustrial Engineering Specialist "Production Management Mention". Master Scientiarum in Agroindustrial Engineering. Ph.D. in Engineering. Ordinary Professor of Agroindustrial Engineering of the Dean of Agronomy of the Lisandro Alvarado Central-Western University. Associate Category and Exclusive Dedication. Since 2007. Head of the Department of Agroindustrial Processes of the Agroindustrial Engineering Program of the Dean of Agronomy of the Lisandro Alvarado Central-Western University, from 2005-2008. Professor of the Chair of Technology II (Dairy and Meat), Head of Research Projects and Extension, tutor of undergraduate and graduate thesis, researcher PPI candidate level, PEII level B, Peila by UCLA. Advisor for the production of mozzarella, whey, GOUDA type cheese, in the company Lácteos la Mayorquina in 2020, Director of the Empresa Teprolaca Agroindustrial C.A. since 2017, dedicated to training in the production of meat and dairy products such as their derivatives. Facilitator of courses and workshops for the production of cheeses and sausages in companies: Corporación Famivet, Agrotecnia y servicios Astron, Invelecar, Porcimagros, Cordero pig alto. Speaker at seminars, conferences, meat and dairy congresses. Author and co-author of 30 scientific articles in national and international peer-reviewed and indexed journals.

Iria del Carmen Acevedo Pons, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

Veterinarian. Master of Education. Mention: Higher Education. Doctor of Educational Sciences. Professor of Agroindustrial Engineering of the Dean of Agronomy of the Lisandro Alvarado Centrooccidental University. Titular Category and Exclusive Dedication, since 1998. Director of the Agroindustrial Technology Program of the Deanery of Agronomy of the Lisandro Alvarado Central-Western University, from 2012-2019. Internship Coordinator, from 2002-2008. Professor of the Applied and General Statistics Chair . Head of Research and Extension projects, tutor of undergraduate and graduate thesis, PPI researcher candidate level, PEII level B, Peila from UCLA. Consultant for the production of mozzarella, whey, yellow cheese, in the company Lácteos la Mayorquina in 2020, Vice-President of the Empresa Teprolaca Agroindustrial C.A. since 2017, dedicated to training in the production of meat and dairy products such as their derivatives. Facilitator of courses and workshops for making cheeses, sausages, in companies: Corporación Famivet, Agrotecnia y servicios Astron, Invelecar, Porcimagros, Cordero pork alto. Speaker at seminars, conferences, congresses on meat and dairy products and statistical analysis in agribusiness. Author and co-author of 32 scientific articles in national and international peer-reviewed and indexed journals.


Rosmery Karina Alvarado Vásquez, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

Agroindustrial Engineer, UCLA-Barquisimeto Venezuela, December 2017. Academic training: Food Labeling Course, (2021). Duration: 08 hours, Lima Peru College of Engineers. SAP PP course, Management in Production Planning as Key User or Expert user by SAP, (2021). Basic-Intermediate-Advanced Business Excel Course, (2021). Project Management Course - Project Management, (2021). Food Handling Course, (2017). Course "Derivatives of sugar cane", (2017). Conference New focus on agricultural and industrial biosafety, (2018). Work experience: Quality manager, in the GRANAL 2 industry, a company dedicated to receiving a wide variety of grains, wheat flour, milk and sugar for subsequent quality analysis, packaging and distribution. Duration: 8 months (November 25, 2019 to July 1, 2020). Coordinator of Deposting of beef, chicken and pork. In the FRESH MARKET company: Duration: 8 months (July 2, 2020 to March 1, 2021). The Production Supervisor, in the company POLLERA in charge of the production of frozen products based on chicken (Nuggets, Milanese, tender, blue cord, croquettes, hamburger meats), as well as sausages, rolled meat and pork, Duration: 1 years and 10 months (January 23, 2018 to November 17, 2019)

Bruno César Giménez López, Universidad Privada San juan Bautista, Ica, Perú.

Born in Mérida (Venezuela) on 12/04/1972, graduated as a Bachelor of Chemistry from the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de los Andes in 2001. Master in Lasers and their Applications in Chemistry, graduated from the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, Spain, in 2010. He was associate professor in Analytical and Instrumental Chemistry at the Lisandro Alvarado Centroccidental University in the Deanery of Agronomy of the Agroindustrial Engineering Program, Venezuela, during the 2006-2019 period. Professor at the San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica, Peru, at the Faculty of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering during the period 2019-2020. Postgraduate Research Professor at Alas Peruanas University, Peru, during the 2019-2020 period. Currently Professor of Chemistry and Research at the San Juan Bautista Private University, subsidiary Ica, Peru, in the area of ​​Meat Technology and Physicochemistry


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How to Cite
García Agüiño , O. R., Acevedo Pons, I. del C., Alvarado Vásquez, R. K. and Giménez López, B. C. (2021) “Effect of Carragenates, Soya Isolated Protein and Carmine on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Standard Chicken Breast: Effect of Carragenates, Soya Isolated Protein and Carmine on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Standard Chicken Breast”, Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia, 44(3), pp. 169-178. doi: 10.22209/rt.v44n3a03.
Artículos de Investigación