Knowledge management and key factors for organizational success in the perspective of the 21st Century


This paper will analyze knowledge management trends in organizations framed in the most up-to-date currents in administration in order to explain the knowledge-based vision, developed by multi-dimensional strategies in value creation. Furthermore, considering the various critical processes from the strategic alliances and the dynamic capabilities that determine it. In an analytical, bibliographic-documentary approach, study categories are defined to interpret and contrast how knowledge continues to be a comparative advantage, demonstrated in its conceptual deconstruction, where theoretical discussions are generated. The same advantage point to new conceptions extracted from its applicative composition in the 21st century organizations, which implies various human and process adaptations. It is concluded that knowledge management and dynamic capacities, and strategic alliances are essential for organizational success and social welfare.

Author Biographies

Judith J. Hernández García de Velazco

Post-doctorate in State, public policy, and social peace. PhD in Social Sciences, mention Management. Master in Business Administration. Graduated in Political and Administrative Sciences, mention Political Sciences. Chief Editor of the JURÍDICAS Journal CUC. Teacher and Investigator. Department of Law and Political Sciences of La Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia. COLCIENCIAS categorized researcher at SENIOR level. Email:, ORCID:

Rafael Ravina Ripoll

Doctor in Hispanic Studies, History, Literature, Art, Thought, and Language. Degree in Economics and Business Administration. Professor of Business Organization at the University of Cádiz-Spain. Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Cadiz, Andalucía, Spain. Email: ORCID:

Ana Cecilia Chumaceiro Hernandez

Postdoctorate in State, public policy, and social peace. PhD in Political Science. Tax Management Specialist. Bachelor of Industrial Administration. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teacher Business Sciences Department of La Universidad de la Costa Barranquilla, Colombia. Chief Editor of the ECONOMICAS Journal CUC. Categorized by COLCIENCIAS SENIOR level. Emails:, ORCID:

Luis Bayardo Tobar Pesantez

Doctor in Economics at the University Leon (España). Teacher at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana in Ecuador. Email: ORCID:


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How to Cite
Hernández García de Velazco, J. J., Ravina Ripoll, R., Chumaceiro Hernandez, A. C., & Tobar Pesantez, L. B. (2021). Knowledge management and key factors for organizational success in the perspective of the 21st Century. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 26(6), 65-81.
Tema: Inteligencia organizacional: Educación, Cultura y Digitalización