Spatial-territorial perspective in the integral and smart management of tourist destinations


Human displacement has been present throughout history, and is a distinctive element of tourist activity. People are attracted to resources, products, offers, experiences; natural and cultural that exist outside the habitual place of residence. A tourist destination emerges, where all the conditions to receive a visitor are configured. The objective is; determine the distinctive aspects of the integral and intelligent management of tourist destinations, taking as a focus the spatial-territorial perspective. A descriptive approach and analytical-synthetic methods, comparison, schematic modeling is used from the bibliographic review of international databases. The stay lived in the Balearic Islands, Spain; descriptive exemplification allows enriching the theory. Theoretical-methodological precepts, the links between the referred categories and all the processes that take place are systematized. It is concluded the spatial perspective (limits of nature-society links) and territorial (limits of political-administrative governance) together with the quality of multiple relationships and the application of technological advances, configure the key aspects of integrated and smart management that guarantee: quality of life to residents, experiences to tourists and sustainability to the destination.

Author Biography

Mabel Font Aranda

Posdoctorada en Gestión Integrada e Inteligente de destinos turísticos y SIG. Doctora en Ciencias Geográficas. Master en Gestión Turística. Mención Comercialización. Master en Análisis Ambiental y Ordenamiento Geoecológico. Profesora Titular Principal de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Ecuador. Email: ORCID:


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How to Cite
Font Aranda, M. (2021). Spatial-territorial perspective in the integral and smart management of tourist destinations. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 26(94), 915-931.

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