Institutional and individual practices in sustainable behavior: exploratory characterization of northeastern Mexico


Derived from a discrepancy of practices embedded within sustainability, and in the presence of limited adoption of context terminology, the present study aims to explore institutional and individual practices in the profiling of sustainable behavior under an exploratory characterization from northeastern Mexico. The methodology refers to an exploratory and descriptive qualitative study based on a case investigation with documentary support and a review of the literature; The information-gathering process was carried out through interviews with sustainability holders in five universities in the Northeast of Mexico. As part of the results, it was obtained that a) sustainable behavior is mainly oriented towards the search for a balance; b) there is a balance in institutional practices for the three dimensions of sustainability, but an imbalance in individual practices; and c) there are concordances between the theoretical evidence and the empirical results. The need for an evolution of sustainable behavior towards taking action in the short term is concluded.

Author Biographies

Lucero de Jesús Rodríguez Jasso

Máster en Dirección Empresarial con énfasis en Administración Estratégica; Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas-México; estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas; Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas-México; E-mail: (correspondencia). ORCID:

Mónica Lorena Sánchez Limón

Doctora en Ciencias de la Administración; UNAM; SNI 2 del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Conacyt; Profesora de Tiempo Completo; Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas-México. E-mail: (correspondencia). ORCID:

Arturo Briseño García

Doctor en Administración de Empresas; EGADE Business School-México; Profesor de Tiempo Completo; Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas-México. ORCID:


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Jasso, L. de J., Sánchez Limón, M. L., & Briseño García, A. (2021). Institutional and individual practices in sustainable behavior: exploratory characterization of northeastern Mexico. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 26(94), 859-879.