Exemplary leadership practices in construction sector smes. Measurements’ psychometric properties
The construction sector is an economic benchmark because it immediately reflects a country’s development or financial crisis, the permanence of the SME’s that participate in this industry is fundamental since they provide employment to the population with less academic levels completed, therefore it is required information about the influence of the leadership style in the activities of this type of organization and its incidence in the current market positioning. This research’s main objective is the psychometric validation of a subscale called Exemplary Leadership obtained from Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices Inventory, as well as determining the differences by economic sector. The study is quantitative with non-experimental transversal design, the results of reliability and validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) show an adequate fit. Significant differences were found among the economic sectors whose effect size for both dimensions can be considered as moderated. It is concluded that the model empirically fits the theory and provides a valid and reliable scale for its use in the studied context.