Eco-accounting as a response to the criticism of the neoliberal model: Genesis and ontology

  • Diana Patricia Franco Campos
  • Higidia Rosa Moreno Pachamango
  • Pedro José Arrieta Melendrez
  • Soledad Marlene Pesantes Shimajuko
Keywords: eco-accounting, ecology, economy, financialization


The objective of this article is to explain the birth of the eco-accounting research program, which emerges from a critical vision made to the economic dimension of accounting, not because of its nature but because of the disfigurement that has been made of its cultural mission. by constructing an overlapping of favorable conditions for specific groups of information users who are gravitated by the economic and political systems of developed and emerging countries. From the methodological level, the research is documentary, based on the analysis of the information obtained from different sources. According to the nature of the information that was answered to answer the research problem, it is qualitative. According to the method used, this research is analytical - hermeneutical. The results reflect that the argument that supports the valuation dichotomy in the valuation function is largely constituted by the structure of the IFRS model by simultaneously proposing the use of fair value and historical cost. It can be concluded that, the risk of fair value measurements, which are established based on exogenous situations such as demand and market behavior, lead to risks that threaten the maintenance of capital regardless of its operational or financial focus.

Author Biographies

Diana Patricia Franco Campos

Magister en Contabilidad, Universidad Libre Colombia., Especialista en Derecho Tributario, Contadora Pública, Docente Universidad del Sinú Colombia. Email: ORCID:

Higidia Rosa Moreno Pachamango

Magister en ciencias: Mención Matemática, Docente asociado de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú, Email: ORCID:

Pedro José Arrieta Melendrez

Magíster en Derecho Tributario, Especialista en Tributación, Contador Público, Catedrático Universitario, Email: ORCID:

Soledad Marlene Pesantes Shimajuko

Doctor en Desarrollo de las ciencias sociales, Directora de la Dirección de Calidad de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú Email:, ORCID:


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How to Cite
Franco Campos, D. P., Moreno Pachamango, H. R., Arrieta Melendrez, P. J., & Pesantes Shimajuko, S. M. (2020). Eco-accounting as a response to the criticism of the neoliberal model: Genesis and ontology. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 25(4), 453-463. Retrieved from

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