Labor satisfaction of human capital in health sector organizations
Knowing the job satisfaction that human capital has in your institution represents a central issue for organizational management, decision-making and performance improvement. That is why this research aims to analyze the degree of job satisfaction of 213 workers assigned to the health sector in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. The study is carried out under a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope by applying the S20 / 23 questionnaire. For data analysis, factor analysis is used in order to validate the underlying structure of the assessed construct, descriptive statistics to determine satisfaction levels and outstanding characteristics of the observed data, as well as Anova analysis of variance in order to compare the degree of satisfaction of the respondents according to their sociodemographic profile. As results, the favorable satisfaction on the part of the staff stands out, finding significant differences according to the seniority in the organization, age, the position they occupy and their marital status, which concludes in the design of strategies oriented towards stakeholders, in order to strengthen their satisfaction levels.
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