Digital competencies, distributed leadership and teacher resilience in pandemic contexts Abstract
The objective of the study is to analyze the relationships between the variables of digital competences, distributed leadership, and resilience of teachers who carry out virtual education in the context of a SARS-CoV 2 pandemic. The approach was quantitative, descriptive, correlational, and transectional. The sample consisted of 1,251 public appointment and contracting teachers, and private contracting teachers from six cities in Peru. The Likert scale was used. The results show that there are positive correlations between the variables studied, positioning better scores in professors appointed in their public institutions, due to their economic stability in the face of the emerging needs caused by the pandemic. There were non-significant indices between resilience and distributed leadership in professors from private institutions. Which leads to the conclusion that the lack of security, resources and adaptive skills would generate instability in this group of teachers.
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