Motivations for MSMEs in tourism to become certified in quality. Empirical evidence in the State of Mexico
The purpose is to analyze the motivations that affect the ease of quality certification of micro, small and medium tourism enterprises (MSMEs) in five municipalities in the State of Mexico registered in the Magic Towns Program: Valle de Bravo, Ixtapan de la Sal, Malinalco, Tepotzotlán and El Oro. A survey was applied to 100 MSMEs and the techniques used for data processing were linear regression by successive steps and covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM). The results show that the tourist’s perception is the external motivation with the greatest influence on the ease of certification, and this in turn is determined by other motivations such as positioning, government support and productivity. In the same way, it is recognized that the most productive businesses are those that know what certification consists of, making it easier for them to orient themselves to market needs and take advantage of public programs to strengthen tourism. It is concluded that a quality certification could incorporate better service practices and tourist attention, leading MSMEs to be more competitive.
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