Analysis of political discourse from neurocommunication: a practical case
The objective of the work consisted of analyzing the political discourse from the approach of neurocommunication applied in the speech made by the former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, on September 20, 2006, at the UN towards the achievement of political objectives in order to to identify findings. The material, arranged on video, was analyzed in several ways: the visual and auditory material and the transcription of said material following the construct analysis methodology (McDaniel & Gates; 2016) and the analysis of elements found in the bibliographic review that include : use of Goebbels - Domenach principles, use of neuromarketing effects, voice management and gesture management. The results showed that storytelling and metaphors were used, which used historical, social, emotional and future elements, in relation to the filters that are activated in the brain according to the theory of neurocommunication and a successful management of kinesia. of voice and gestures. It can be concluded that these techniques will allow making powerful political speeches that generate remembrance and meet the objective of convincing, persuasion and mobilization of the masses.
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