National System of Training for Work and human development in Colombia: labor considerations

  • Jorge Luis Restrepo Pimienta
  • Diego Enrique Cruz Mahecha
  • Rubén Darío Arroyo Osorio
Keywords: Training for Work, human development, labor competencies


The Colombian educational system is composed of two basic elements in the environment of human life and the realization of society. This system, according to law 1064 of 2006, is called education for work and human development. The objective of this research is to analyze education for work and how it influences the human development of people who enter the labor market, conducting the study from existing labor considerations. The research is of a qualitative and documentary bibliographic order. From the deductive method, general situations are assumed that are contextualized in the Colombian reality, to later show specific behaviors, denoted by actions, tasks and activities typical of the reality studied. Education for work and human development are assumed from a structured, purposeful, finished, supported, experienced and established compression by international parameters International Labor Organization. It is regulated by technical, legal, economic, business and educational standards in relation to academic and work skills, training, completion, organization, control and administration of this type of educational system. With this type of education, entrepreneurship in the country, autonomous work, the individual’s work and cognitive capacity have been strengthened and promoted, as well as dignity within freedom at work based on work skills. The relationships and implications of educating for work and the implications for human development have enhanced the dimension and progress of people’s potential, increasing possibilities such as the enjoyment of freedom to live the life they value. Work and human development are delimited within a permanent dialogue of implications, indications, actions and significance to invigorate capacities and act in the world of work.

Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Restrepo Pimienta

PhD en Derecho, Pos Doctor en Epistemología Magister en Derecho y Salud Pública, Abogado, Docente de Carrera Universidad del Atlántico. Email: ORCID:

Diego Enrique Cruz Mahecha

PhD en Derecho, Pos doctor en Derecho y Epistemología, Abogado, Profesor Universidad Libre ORCID:

Rubén Darío Arroyo Osorio

Magister en Ciencias Humanas, Especialista en Educación, Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Docente de Carrera Universidad del Atlántico. ORCID:


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How to Cite
Restrepo Pimienta, J. L., Cruz Mahecha, D. E., & Arroyo Osorio, R. D. (2021). National System of Training for Work and human development in Colombia: labor considerations. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 26(93), 158-177.