Thyroid function in obese schoolchildren.
Thyroid function in obese schoolchildren.
Obesity is often accompanied by metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance, dyslipidemias, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes melli-tus and modifications in plasma levels of certain hormones. Among the hor-monal disorders, thyroid dysfunction is the most common. Hypothyroidism can promote obesity, but multiple theories suggest that it is obesity, which causes thyroid dysfunction. The objective of the research was to determine thyroid hormone levels in obese schoolchildren and analyze their relationship to an-thropometric variables, serum insulin levels and the HOMA1-IR index. This was an observational, analytical, prospective study with a cross-sectional design of case series, conducted in 90 children between 7 and 12 years of age, at the Gas-troenterology and Pediatric Nutrition Services of the Hospital City “Dr. Enrique Tejera”, Valencia, Venezuela. TSH, T3 and T4 free values were analyzed and correlated with sex, sexual maturation, body mass index, arm fat area, waist cir-cumference, basal insulin and HOMA1-IR index. Of the subject studied, 25.44% were hypothyroid and the rest euthyroid. In schoolchildren with obesity and low free T4, there was a significant correlation (p<0.05) with hyperinsulinism and they had significantly higher averages (p<0.05) of HOMA1-IR. In conclusion, a high frequency of hypothyroidism was found in obese schoolchildren.
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