Vol. 23-24, No. 1-2, 2022-2023.

The Editorial Committee of Divulgaciones Matemáticas is pleased to present Vol. 23-24 , No. 1-2 , 2022-2023 . This volume brings together all the articles received between the years 2022 and 2023 , they were evaluated and accepted for publication. This edition was born as a decision of the Editorial Committee in search of reviving the activities of the journal, which have been diminished by the low demand for articles by the authors for various reasons. Among these is the fact that the journal is not re#ected in SCOPUS, due to the non-continuity of publication of issues and volumes of the journal, due to the lack of works submitted to the journal, paradoxically.

The works published in this edition will show the date they were received and the date they were approved. All the works received in the years 2022 and 2023 were research articles, these works are distributed as follows: four (4) articles in the year 2022, and five (5) articles in the year 2023. In each year only one article, of those received, did not pass the evaluation stage by the respective referees. So in this issue only seven (7) articles are published in the Research Articles section. On the other hand, in the Problems and Solutions section, two (2) problems are proposed, and the solution to problem No. 27 proposed in Vol. 8, No. 2, 2000 of the magazine is presented.

The editorial work related to this issue is the result of much effort by the Editorial Committee and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The Editors would like to express our gratitude to all those who made this volume possible: to the authors of the works presented, who gave their vote of confidence to the journal; to the referees who evaluated the articles, whose selfless work made it possible to satisfy the quality standards of the journal and significantly improve the form of the works; to the editorial team of Divulgaciones Matemáticas. Thank you all.

The journal is now on the portal of Scientific and Humanistic Magazines of the University of Zulia (ReviCyHLUZ) whose oficial website is: produccioncientificaluz.org. Now the articles are identified with the letterhead of the LUZ Library and Information Services System (SERBILUZ) , and the journal now has as its oficial website


It is important to clarify that the web address divmat.demat-fecluz.org continues to function to obtain the issues of the journal published before 2016, until they are transferred in their entirety to the new website mentioned. All this with the purpose of giving more expansion and recognition to the journal.

Finally, the Editorial Committee of Divulgaciones Matemáticas apologizes to the authors of the articles published here for the notable delay in the publication of this issue and for the inconveniences that this may have caused them, we thank them for their wait. Furthermore, we invite the Venezuelan and international mathematical community to continue giving us their vote of confidence by submitting their work to the journal for evaluation and possible publication.

Published: 2024-06-10